
In October of 2015, Isla had her first seizure.

In February of 2016, after enduring a prolonged seizure in which she was treated in ICU, Isla was diagnosed with Epilepsy.

It wasn’t until our family began doing research on the link between autism and epilepsy that we decided to have Isla tested for autism. In June of 2017, Isla was diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Our family was very lucky to get a relatively early diagnosis for Isla. She was 5 years old. Girls often go undiagnosed for longer than boys, often times being misdiagnosed with conditions that mimic autism. Having both of these diagnoses has been life-changing for the ways we have been able to support and advocate for Isla.


Isla and Lucia are not only sisters, they are best friends. We love our life together. We have had such a great adventure that has brought us to the most beautiful peaks and some of the deepest valleys. We’ve all learned so much about ourselves and each other along the way.

A dear friend told us, “Isla doesn’t need to change for the world, the world needs to change for Isla.”

We hope by sharing our story with you that we will be one small part of making the world a more loving and inclusive place. It is our greatest wish that you and your loved ones feel seen, celebrated and loved for exactly who you are, especially by those closest to you.